Incognito meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Incognito
As adjective : अज्ञातवासी Ex:  Keep incognito, the strictest incognito
गुप्तरुपधारी गुप्तवेश में चुपके उ:   चुपके चुपके १९७५ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है। छद्म वेश में छिपा उ:   वह अपने दिल में कोई बात छिपा कर नहीं रखती। पोशीदा बेष बदल कर
As adverb : अज्ञात या गुप्त रूप से Ex:  in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company अज्ञात रूप से Ex:  Shakuntala veiled herself to be incognito अज्ञात Ex:  He stayed incognito in Rome उ:   वास्तविक कारण अभी भी अज्ञात हैं। अनचीन्हा० Ex:  Stopping someone incognito अननुभावकता Ex:  The King of Spain was traveling incognito under the name of Duke of Toledo अनसमझा Ex:  I took advantage of my incognito for a solitary walk अनाज्ञात Ex:  This incognito prince passed by France अपरिकलित नामालूम संछन्न
Incognito ki paribhasha : padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain apratyaashit
Incognito synonyms
anonymous bearded camouflaged concealed disguised hidden isolated masked obscure unknown incog masquerading under assumed name unrecognized
Incognito antonyms
known openly seen unhidden
Usage of Incognito in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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