Incoming meaning in hindi
As noun : आने वाला Ex:  The dike slope reduces the energy of the incoming sea
नवनिर्वाचित Ex:  Johnston's counterattack Concerned about the threat from the incoming fire उ: वो उपन्यास की छठी कड़ी में नवनिर्वाचित जादूमन्त्री है।
As adjective : आगमिक Ex:  While a skilled warrior could dodge an incoming arrow उ: आगमिक पूजा विशुद्ध तथा पवित्र भारतीय है। आवक Ex:  Duke University provided iPods to all incoming freshmen in the fall of 2004
Other : आगंता Ex:  This instrument records the incoming telephone number.
ExamplesIncoming synonyms
approaching coming entering coming in elected future designate new next to-be Incoming antonyms
outgoing Usage of Incoming in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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