Incomplete meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Incomplete
As noun : अधूरा Ex:  Though still incomplete उ:   इसके परिणामस्वरूप, अधूरा ढांचा ध्वस्त हो गया।
असंपूर्ण Ex:  Thompson, and an incomplete White, led to a recommendation work on the . असमग्र Ex:  This is an incomplete list of wars. औनापौना Ex:  Although most dinosaur skeletons from this area are incomplete गैरमुकम्मल Ex:  He had, in his research the other guide than incomplete information सामि Ex:  In terms of grammar, says Sens finished as opposed to incomplete or suspended Sens सावशेष Ex:  Medical He said various disorders, sometimes recurring nature that develop in a more or less obscure, incomplete or
As adjective : अपूर्ण Ex:  The latter remained incomplete on his death. उ:   यह एक अपूर्ण पृष्ठ है। असंपूर्ण Ex:  Thompson, and an incomplete White, led to a recommendation work on the . असमाप्त Ex:  Some sections of track were incomplete or had not been used before खण्डित Ex:  The incomplete combustion produced by burning plant material उ:   शास्त्रीय भाषा रचने के दौरान भी प्रवाह खण्डित नहीं होता। खोंड़ा, खोंढ़ा Ex:  Hence, these are usually referred as incomplete records . गैरमुकम्मल Ex:  He had, in his research the other guide than incomplete information व्यूद्ध Ex:  In incomplete सावशेष Ex:  Medical He said various disorders, sometimes recurring nature that develop in a more or less obscure, incomplete or
Other : असिद्ध Ex:  The following is an incomplete list of such potentially confusing names. कच्चा Ex:  This is an incomplete list. उ:   इसे लौकिक, शास्त्र, पहाड़ी या कच्चा संवत्‌ भी कहते हैं। काँचा Ex:  While the evidence is incomplete
Incomplete synonyms
fragmentary partial lacking deficient inadequate sketchy insufficient broken crude defective fractional immature imperfect incoherent meager rough rudimentary short undeveloped undone unpolished abridged expurgated garbled half-done unaccomplished unconsummated under construction unexecuted
Incomplete antonyms
total enough sufficient adequate ample accomplished complete whole finished perfect
Usage of Incomplete in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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