Inconceivable meaning in hindi
As adjective : अकलप Ex: It seems inconceivable to me that the incident could have happened so quickly.
अचिंत्य Ex: A inconceivable boldness अचिन्त्य Ex: He speaks with inconceivable ease अबुद्धि गम्य Ex: Here inconceivable assertions कल्पनातीत Ex: It is an activity, an inconceivable patience, उ: इसके राजनीतिक, सामाजिक और वाणिज्यिक लाभ कल्पनातीत होगा। खयाल से बाहर धारणातीत
Other : अबोध Ex: His incorrigibility, incorrigibility of his character is inconceivable अभावनीय Ex: I do not know how it can be done, it is inconceivable असंभव Ex: It is inconceivable that one has not yet thought to destroy this abuse उ: अंग्रेजों के इस कठिन और असंभव घेरे को तोडकर वे जयपुर की ओर भागे। असंभावनीय Ex: The decision he made is inconceivable is unconsciousness असंभावित Ex: The determination of these two litigants is inconceivable असंभाव्य Ex: The essence of God is inconceivable असोच Ex: This conduct is inconceivable असोची Ex: You tell me where inconceivable समझ से बाहर
ExamplesInconceivable synonyms
unimaginable incredible improbable unbelievable unheard-of strange mind-boggling implausible impossible extraordinary unthinkable fantastic phony rare staggering unconvincing unlikely unsubstantial weak imcomprehensible incogitable insupposable reachy unknowable won't fly won't wash Inconceivable antonyms
believable credible plausible possible tenable likely usual conceivable fathomable imaginable familiar normal common reasonable Usage of Inconceivable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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