Inconsiderate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inconsiderate
As noun : विचारशून्य Ex:  Speech inconsiderate
As adjective :
दुसरों का घ्यान न रखने वाला Ex:  shockingly inconsiderate behavior दूसरों का ध्यान न रखनेवाला Ex:  By extension, inconsiderate Action बेमुरौवत Ex:  indiscreet zeal, inconsiderate बेलिहाज़ Ex:  Man inconsiderate
Other : बेलिहाज Ex:  It is very inconsiderate रूखा Ex:  Nobody inconsiderate
Inconsiderate synonyms
boorish brash careless discourteous hasty impolite incautious indelicate intolerant reckless rude self-centered selfish sharp short tactless thoughtless unceremonious uncharitable ungracious unkind unthinking
Inconsiderate antonyms
considerate kind tactful generous nice sensitive thoughtful
Usage of Inconsiderate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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