Inconsistent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inconsistent
As noun : अनीदृश Ex:  Williams came back to the tour and experienced inconsistent results.
पृथगात्मा भिन्न उ:   गढ़वळि का व्याकरण हिंदी से भिन्न है। मुख्तलिफ मुस्तशना व्यवेत
As adjective : अधृति Ex:  But these smaller patterns joined together in inconsistent ways. अनन्वित Ex:  This program was inconsistent with the Battle for Grain अप्राकरणिक Ex:  The major complaints are the lack of buses and their inconsistent frequencies अबड़ धबड़ Ex:  6-0. The inconsistent results continued through mid-April अभिलुलित Ex:  Although she is occasionally inconsistent अयौक्तिक Ex:  An inconsistent tab order leads to an erroneous data entry . असंगत Ex:  A character inconsistent अस्थिर Ex:  A man inconsistent उ:   दूसरे, रोग के संकट ने दुनिया के बहुत सारे भागों को अस्थिर कर दिया है। आचंचल Ex:  All the things of this world are inconsistent आनोजानी Ex:  By extension, inconsistent reasoning उल्लल Ex:  Conduct inconsistent ऊरमधूरम Ex:  It is also inconsistent in his conduct in his remarks चलचलिय Ex:  Metaphor happy, just, bold, exaggerated, forced, inconsistent चलचाल Ex:  Physical condition which is inconsistent डँवाडोल Ex:  ripopée What are you doing? He said, figuratively and familiarly, a book, a writing composed of common ideas inconsistent or poorly interlinked डाँवाडोल Ex:  substantively , This young man is an inconsistent तारल Ex:  What mood are you today? These are two very different moods, although inconsistent दावाँदोल Ex:  de Physics and Geology Who inconsistent नामुनासिब पाल्लाविक बिचल बिस्थीरु विसंष्ठुल व्यत्यस्त
Other : विरोधी उ:   वे मूर्ति पूजा के विरोधी थे और जाति प्रथा का विरोध करते थे।
Inconsistent ki paribhasha : saath snvatsaron men se pachisavaaan snvatsar virodh naamak ek alnkaar saahity nilam ka ek dosh jisake kaaran pahananevaale ko pati, putraadi ka shok praapt hona maana jaata hai
Inconsistent synonyms
conflicting uncertain illogical incompatible unpredictable contrary irreconcilable erratic capricious changeable discordant discrepant dissonant fickle incoherent incongruous inconstant mercurial temperamental unstable variable warring incongruent lubricious at odds at variance in conflict out of step
Inconsistent antonyms
harmonious unchanging predictable consonant certain definite sure consistent regular steady
Usage of Inconsistent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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