Inconspicuous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inconspicuous
As adjective : अनभिदृश्य Ex:  He tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.
अप्रमुख Ex:  Before 1991, the mountain was inconspicuous and heavily eroded. अमूझा Ex:  Although often inconspicuous अविशिष्ट Ex:  Housed in an inconspicuous production of 1970s architecture अस्पष्ट उ:   अस्पष्ट संदेश से अर्थ का अनर्थ होने का भय रहता है। गोमगा छायावेष्टित धुमैली म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ
Inconspicuous synonyms
unobtrusive camouflaged concealed dim faint indistinct insignificant low-key modest ordinary plain quiet retiring secretive shy subtle tenuous unassuming unostentatious low-profile muted soft-pedalled unemphatic
Inconspicuous antonyms
noticeable conspicuous exposed open unhidden
Usage of Inconspicuous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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