Inconvenience meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inconvenience
As noun : असुविधा में डालना Ex:  He apologized for the inconvenience he caused.
असुविधा Ex:  During the peak summer power cut cause inconvenience to the people. उ:   इसके कारण कभी-कभो काफ़ी असुविधा हो जाती है। असुविधाजनक कार्य Ex:  Absolutely, I would not cause you any inconvenience असुविधाजनक व्यक्ति Ex:  Giving to the inconvenience signal आपीड़न Ex:  Holding someone under his paw, be in the state in power to cause him damage, inconvenience कष्ट देना Ex:  I would be sorry to cause any inconvenience पीड़ाकरण Ex:  It hangs in his face, this boredom, this inconvenience is likely to happen to him प्रबाधन Ex:  It has attracted inconvenience बिसूलना Ex:  It has only inconvenience विहिंसन Ex:  It is a fact that you could not advise you of this inconvenience संप्रतापन Ex:  It is a great inconvenience of being poorly housed सल्लनां Ex:  It is a great inconvenience to law
Other : कष्ट Ex:  In terms of Marine, inconvenience signal, signal by which a building is known that he needs help or is hampered in its maneuvering उ:   मां महागौरी भक्तों का कष्ट अवश्य ही दूर करती है। काँटा Ex:  inconvenience
Inconvenience ki paribhasha : jo kramashaः buri haalat ko pahuancha ho aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho
Inconvenience synonyms
annoyance disturbance pain difficulty disruption aggravation drawback hindrance disadvantage trial fuss awkwardness upset exasperation unsuitableness uneasiness stew nuisance vexation unfitness unwieldiness troublesomeness untimeliness cumbersomeness bothersomeness unhandiness aggravate irk discompose disoblige exasperate discombobulate interfere try discommode meddle give a hard time give trouble hang up make it tough put in a spot put on the spot put to trouble
Inconvenience antonyms
happiness joy calm tranquility advantage calmness profit pleasure comfort peace benefit ease convenience appease soothe organize delight aid assist arrange please make happy be convenient help
Usage of Inconvenience in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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