Incorporeal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Incorporeal
As adjective : अकायिक Ex:  God has also been conceived as being incorporeal
अविग्रह Ex:  God is incorporeal अशरीरिक Ex:  In this definition, the soul is an incorporeal substance, Substance is the kind and intangible is the difference that distinguishes the soul bodily substances अशरीरी Ex:  Quality incorporeal beings
Other : अमूर्त Ex:  God has been described as incorporeal उ:   गणित एक अमूर्त या निराकार और निगमनात्मक प्रणाली है। निराकार उ:   साथ ही जन्म मरण आदि क्लेशों से रहित और निराकार भी है। विदेह उ:   विदेह साम्राज्य के राजा यहांजनक कहलाते थे।
Incorporeal ki paribhasha : jo prathvi, jala, agni se utpann na ho jo spasht roop se na jaana gaya ho
Incorporeal synonyms
immaterial ethereal spiritual bodiless angelic celestial eternal deistic
Usage of Incorporeal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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