Incorrect meaning in hindi
As adjective : अकह Ex: an incorrect calculation
अजाय Ex: Please use another meter as this one is giving an incorrect reading. अनखौहा० Ex: Sally X'd the incorrect information out . अनलहता Ex: Sally X'd out the incorrect information . अनुचित Ex: If the answer was incorrect अन्यथाचार Ex: The term "rim" is incorrect because the rim is only a portion of a wheel अपुनीत Ex: The incorrect reconstructions were dismantled अयाथार्यिक Ex: Thales was incorrect in believing the attraction was due to a magnetic effect अशुद्ध Ex: The incorrect use of this identity उ: ये अशुद्ध और अशुद्धिकारक हैं। अशौची Ex: Although Descartes was incorrect about the relative speeds असमीचीन Ex: Additional lights indicated incorrect altitude and direction. असांम्प्रत Ex: Other incorrect classifications ऊलजलूल Ex: In such a case, there is no correct or incorrect answer . गलत Ex: It also said incorrect places a spirit of art work or उ: आखिर यहाँ पर आइन्सटीन ने न्यूटन के पत्र को गलत प्रमाणित किया। गलीज Ex: obscure, incorrect language गैरमुनासिब Ex: This way of speaking is correct, incorrect गैरवाजिब Ex: writer, author incorrect गैरसाल Ex: , Purge language, subtract In the barbaric expressions, trivial or incorrect जबुर Ex: Narrateur, translator, interpreter infidel, who lost the truth, which is incorrect नाजायज नामाकूल नामुनासिब नावाजिब नाशाइस्ता बेढब बेतरीका बेमुनासिब विधर्मा विस्खलित सांजन
Other : काँचा Ex: Figure incorrect ग़लत Ex: This edition is quite incorrect उ: लोगों का यह डर पूरी तरह ग़लत भी नहीं था। झूठ उ: उसे पता चलता है कि राजा ने उसे झूठ कहकर उसे धोखा दिया था।
ExamplesIncorrect synonyms
erroneous inaccurate inappropriate mistaken improper unsound untrue unreliable faulty inexact out specious unseemly unsuitable wide of the mark counterfactual false flawed imprecise not trustworthy unfitting way off wrong number Incorrect antonyms
valid honest reliable appropriate fitting suitable correct right true accurate precise just proper sound strong Usage of Incorrect in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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