Increasing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Increasing
As verb : बढना
Other :
उत्कर्षक Ex:  internet is increasing voyeurism in kids वर्धन Ex:  Madrid has played an increasing role in European finances उ:   इन पीढ़ियों का वर्धन ऋतु एवं ताप पर निर्भर करता है। वर्धमान Ex:  Politicisation such as this has been increasing उ:   यह भी वर्धमान जिले के सीमा से लगा हुआ है। वर्धी Ex:  Due to the increases in technology and a rapidly increasing population वृद्धिशील Ex:  By the end of the 19th century Minsk was undergoing increasing russification.
Usage of Increasing in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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