Incurable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Incurable
As noun : अशाधि Ex:  He is suffering from some incurable disease.
असाध्य Ex:  an incurable seer of movies उ:   साधारण पाठक के लिए वह असाध्य तथा अगम्य है। उस्तवार Ex:  , an incurable pain डिढ Ex:  A poorly desperate , an incurable disease; and, in a slightly different meaning, a desperate patient A patient at the point and is expected to see him die from one moment to the other दड्ढ Ex:  Asylum incurable or by ellipse, The Incurable निरूपक्रम Ex:  Hospice incurable निरूपचार Ex:  incurable disease incurable पक्का Ex:  incurable Folie उ:   यहां पर एक पक्का कुंड और एक मंदिर है। मुस्तकिल Ex:  One way incurable मुहकम Ex:  Sick incurable लाइलाज Ex:  Sick or incurable, as the name of the two genres, a incurable incurable उ:   डिप्रेशन लाइलाज रोग नहीं है।
As adjective : अचिकित्स्य Ex:  AIDS is an incurable disease. निरुपाय Ex:  Drunkenness of this man is incurable
Incurable ki paribhasha : jisaka koi upaay na ho anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho na aarogy hone ke yogy
Incurable synonyms
deadly fatal hopeless terminal impossible irreparable serious cureless irremediable inoperable immedicable irrecoverable nowhere to go out of time remediless uncorrectable unrecoverable
Incurable antonyms
healthful wholesome curable operable healable medicable
Usage of Incurable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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