Indeed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indeed
As verb : दरअसल Ex:  Apollo indeed gifted her with the ability to know the future उ:   दरअसल यह आंगोला देश की सबसे बड़ी बंदरगाह है।
As adverb :
अवश्य ही या वास्तव में Ex:  Is everything all right? Bill: Oh, yes, indeed . क्य सचमुच Ex:  These customs indeed do have more than a few elements of pre-Christian beliefs तत्वतः Ex:  Some believe it has indeed affected Bhutan in a negative way. उ:   ब्रह्म और जीव मूलतः और तत्वतः एक हैं। निश्चित ही Ex:  Pride's Purge was indeed the first and only military coup in English history. वाकई Ex:  If the original Parthenon was indeed destroyed in 480 उ:   हमें वाकई इस बारे में सोचने की जरूरत है। वास्तव में Ex:  “This is indeed the city that I am to found सचमुच Ex:  Minima can indeed be very cold: the average January minimum is around 4 °C उ:   सचमुच बड़ी संकट की घड़ी आ गई है। सत्यतह Ex:  Chemistry indeed came of age when Antoine Lavoisier साचय Ex:  Muhammad Ali indeed "Shook up the world! हकीकतन Ex:  Opposition to the Scottish kings in this period was indeed hard.
Other : अलबत्ता Ex:  they said the car would break down and indeed it did उ:   अलबत्ता कुछेक त्यौहार जरुर ऐसे होते हैं जो खास महत्व लिए रहते हैं। इदमित्थं Ex:  Is Mary Ann nice? Jane: Yes, indeed . एव Ex:  The Turks were indeed waiting to attack but in a small battle outside Ephesus उ:   पशुत्वस्य नाशनम् एव मुक्तिः। खलु Ex:  David is indeed victorious उ:   स्वजीवनं मेलयित्वा, भवतः खलु जीवने।
Indeed synonyms
easily certainly very truly absolutely surely naturally undoubtedly really amen even much of course positively strictly sure thing well doubtlessly verily very much undeniably for real in point of fact in truth to be sure veritably
Indeed antonyms
doubtfully dubiously questionably indefinite
Usage of Indeed in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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