Independent meaning in hindi
As noun : अमीत Ex: Our generation was born in independent India.
अलग Ex: Jawaharlal Nehru was the first ever Prime Minister of the independent India. उ: मसाले, जड़ी-बूटियों से अलग हैं। अलगार Ex: General Sam Maneckhaw was made the first Field Marshal of independent India. असंश्लिष्ट Ex: The linguistic policies of the newly independent states have to be well defined. आज़ाद Ex: they consider the church to be independent of the world उ: १९७५ में मोज़ाम्बीक आज़ाद हुआ। आत्मनिर्भर Ex: I am an independent thinker . उ: भारत में अंग्रेजो के आने से पहले भारतीय ग्राम आत्मनिर्भर समुदाय थे। इकौसे Ex: India's independent judicial system began under the British उद्धुत Ex: Crimea became part of the newly independent Ukraine उलिंगण Ex: A comet is named after up to three independent discoverers. ओलग Ex: In 1918, Smuts helped to create a Royal Air Force, independent of the army. खुदमुखतार Ex: The evolution of multicellularity occurred in multiple independent events दरकिनार Ex: These independent events occurred between 3,000 and 6,000 generations ago निपाख Ex: Edinburgh also has several independent schools such as George Heriot's School निरपख Ex: Largely independent of Dongola it was increasingly referred to as al-Maris. निरपच्छो Ex: Dungeons & Dragons and GURPS. Modern independent RPGs निरानी Ex: The Treaty of Paris left the United States independent and at peace निर्दलीय Ex: There are currently over 30,000 independent businesses in Mongolia उ: शेष वार्डों में निर्दलीय व अन्य प्रत्याशि जीते। निष्पक्ष Ex: Housing cooperatives or other independent living units exist उ: प्रामाणिक और निष्पक्ष जानकारी उपलब्ध कराने का प्रयास रहता है। प्रविरल Ex: There are independent drivers प्रविविक्त Ex: Since independence, courts are relatively independent फरके Ex: Germany officially recognized Manchukuo as an independent nation. फरक्क ‡ Ex: Orthogonal components are independent of each other बरतरफ Ex: All seats are held by independent candidates. बिभग Ex: Prokaryotic cells are usually independent बोहर Ex: Morgannwg, and Gwent emerged as independent Welsh successor states. मनमानता Ex: Virginia had the highest number of counties and independent cities मनमाना Ex: Although the newly independent provinces formed a Federation उ: उनमें मनमाना स्थान प्राप्त किया जा सकता था। मनमानिब ‡ Ex: In the early period after Russia became independent मुख्तलिफ Ex: There are also a number of independent radio stations across Wales. मुबर्रा Ex: Virginia is divided into independent cities and counties विपृक् Ex: For most of its independent history व्यपवृक्त Ex: Nouakchott became the capital of an independent country. स्वतन्त्र Ex: Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from these independent endeavors. उ: वही स्वतन्त्र भारत की राष्ट्रभाषा होगी। स्वनिघ्न Ex: The products of a process independent of thought and will स्ववृत्ति Ex: The constitution provides for an independent judiciary.
As adjective : अनाधीन Ex: to be nominally but not actually independent अनिर्बध Ex: above all, you must be independent अपरतंत्र Ex: There are many pennurious people in our independent India. अपरतंत्र Ex: There are many pennurious people in our independent India. आत्मतंत्र Ex: India is an independent country. उद्धर Ex: Germany in World War II, and now, the independent Ukrainian state. कामप्रश्न Ex: There are two varieties, independent pronouns and enclitics. कामवृत्ति Ex: Dili became the capital of the independent Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. कौट Ex: The judiciary is independent of the legislative and the executive. छुछंद Ex: For the very first time, she was an independent career woman. निरधिष्ठांन Ex: 1979, Saint Lucia became an independent state of the Commonwealth of Nations. प्रमुक्त Ex: Barbados has been an independent state in the Commonwealth since November 30 यादृक्षिक Ex: They would remain independent in the Chamber. वशिता Ex: Cunomaglus himself may originally have been an independent healing god. सुतंतर Ex: 1991. Kiev is the capital of independent Ukraine. सुतत Ex: Like other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union सुतत Ex: Like other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union सूबस Ex: New York became an independent state on July 9 स्वच्छंद Ex: New York declared itself an independent state on July 9 स्वच्छंदचर Ex: If New York were an independent nation स्वतंत्र Ex: On the other, there still existed two independent उ: इसके अलावा दक्षिण के राज्य भी स्वतंत्र हो गए। स्वतंत्री Ex: The boroughs of Berlin are not independent municipalities. स्वतंत्री Ex: The boroughs of Berlin are not independent municipalities. स्वतंत्र Ex: While Hong Kong is not an independent country स्वधीन Ex: If Arizona were an independent country along with all existing countries स्वधुर् Ex: Chinese independent schools स्वरुचि Ex: Texas existed as the independent republic for nearly a decade. स्वरुचि Ex: Texas existed as the independent republic for nearly a decade. स्वस्थित Ex: All thirty-nine provinces of the Anglican Communion are independent स्वाधीन Ex: Wubi was born as an independent project उ: मनुष्य स्वाधीन कर्ता है। स्वावलम्बी Ex: MyNetworkTV and The CW through their affiliates and one independent station.
Other : आज़ाद Ex: The future Constitution of independent India was based on this act. निर्दल Ex: He took the name of Haakon VII, after the medieval kings of independent Norway. मुक्त Ex: There is one independent member. उ: ये तीनों ही यहां शिव की आराधना करके मुक्त हुए थे।
Independent ki paribhasha : jo kisi doosare ke niyntran men na ho aur apani hi inchha ke anusaar sab kaary kare jo apane siva aur kisi ke adhin na ho kisi prakaar ke bndhan ya niyam aadi se rahit athava mukt
ExamplesIndependent synonyms
separate nonpartisan sovereign self-sufficient autonomous self-reliant absolute autarchic autarchical individualistic nonaligned self-contained self-governing self-supporting separated unconnected unconstrained uncontrolled freewheeling self-determining self-ruling unaided unallied unregimented on one's own Independent antonyms
subordinate dependent subservient Usage of Independent in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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