Indignity meaning in hindi
As noun : अउहेर, अउहरी Ex: The chairman suffered indignity of being refused admission, to the meeting.
अगरिमा Ex: Dealing with indignity अगौरव Ex: He was expelled dishonorable, because of his unworthiness, of the indignity of person अनादर Ex: The indignity of the fisherman अपमान Ex: The indignity of this action, this process, this conduct aroused everyone against him उ: उसके हृदय में अपमान के तीखे तीर से चुभ रहे थे। अमानना अमानना अववाद असूक्षण उपमर्द कदर्थन जलालत नक्कार पराभौ परिभवन मानपरिखंडन रीढा विमानना सूर्क्षण हलकापन हून
Indignity ki paribhasha : saahity ke antargat ek arthaalnkaar jisamen gunaanvit vastu men durgun dikhaakar usaka tiraskaar kiya jaata hai
ExamplesIndignity synonyms
opprobrium injustice insult obloquy grievance affront slight slur taunt dishonor discourtesy slap contumely disrespect put-down abuse snub outrage injury reproach backhanded compliment take-down Indignity antonyms
compliment flattery praise aid dignity respect esteem honor help approval regard Usage of Indignity in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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