Indiscreet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indiscreet
As noun : अविवेकपूर्ण Ex:  A language indiscreet
As adjective :
अबिबेकी Ex:  Their indiscreet affair scandalized Munich अविवेकी Ex:  Breaking the wall of privacy, Dealing with indiscreet curiosity of another's privacy विविचारी Ex:  By extension, Action indiscreet साहसकारी Ex:  figuratively, it means Babil indiscreet
Other : विवेकहीन Ex:  Curiosity indiscreet
Indiscreet synonyms
hasty careless foolish heedless imprudent inconsiderate insensitive rash reckless unthinking
Usage of Indiscreet in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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