Indiscretion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indiscretion
As noun : अचेती Ex:  Disloyal aides revealed his indiscretion to the papers.
अतिशीघ्रता Ex:  A moment, an indiscretion can lose everything, Just a moment of indiscretion to compromise the fate of the company, to make it miss अमनोनिवेश Ex:  ESCAPE applies particularly to What we are saying to what is done recklessly indiscretion inadvertently neglect, etc अविचार Ex:  He also told stories that made by indiscretion or malice, some things that one claims to have seen or heard to अविवेकपूर्ण कथन Ex:  It has many indiscretion अविवेकपूर्ण कार्य Ex:  It means colloquially Talking about someone or something with a malignancy that often goes up gossip or indiscretion असावधानी Ex:  The default is an inexcusable indiscretion उ:   उनकी असावधानी से कीड़े मकोड़े खाल में छेद कर जाते हैं। बुद्धि हीनता Ex:  This perhaps cure for his indiscretion
Other : अविवेक Ex:  Is there indiscretion to ask you if you'll come out
Indiscretion ki paribhasha : nyaayadarshan ke anusaar vishesh gyaan ka abhaav bhed charaane yogy sthaan
Indiscretion synonyms
miscue lapse recklessness error gaffe misjudgment goof unseemliness folly imprudence foolishness thoughtlessness hastiness stupidity slip stumble rashness bumble faux pas naivetã© slip of the tongue gaucherie crudeness indiscreetness excitability foul-up ingenuousness tactlessness slip-up dropping the ball dumb move fool mistake misspeak screw-up simple-mindedness
Indiscretion antonyms
wisdom thoughtfulness discretion correction judgment seriousness care discreetness right
Usage of Indiscretion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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