Indispensable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indispensable
As adjective : अनिवार्य Ex:  foods indispensable to good nutrition उ:   एकादशरथ यदुकुल का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा हे।
अपरित्याज्य Ex:  While this investigatory function is indispensable to Congress अवर्स Ex:  "Bill Buckley became the indispensable intellectual advocate from whose energy अवारणीय Ex:  An obligation, an indispensable duty जिसके बिना न बन सके Ex:  It means more commonly Who is the most important part one thing, which is a necessary element indispensable निष्परिहार्य Ex:  The indispensable लाजिमा Ex:  These objects me are indispensable हठायात
Other : जरुरी Ex:  Corrections indispensable उ:   यह जरुरी है कि कंडोम की नोक में हवा बिलकुल ना हो। ज़रूरी Ex:  For an indispensable उ:   चीनी भाषा सीखने के लिए यह ज़रूरी है।
Indispensable ki paribhasha : jo kisi upaay se door na kiya ja sake sushrut ke anusaar rog ka vah bhed jo achchha na ho jisake bina kaam na chale
Indispensable synonyms
crucial vital imperative fundamental basic essential basal cardinal key needed prerequisite primary required necessitous needful
Indispensable antonyms
inessential trivial unimportant additional auxiliary extra minor nonessential dispensable needless redundant superfluous unnecessary secondary
Usage of Indispensable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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