Indisposition meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indisposition
As noun : अनिच्छा Ex:  Assigning an indisposition
अस्वस्थता Ex:  He recovered from his indisposition उ:   इसी तरह जन्म के समय कम वजन जीवन भर की अस्वस्थता का बड़ा कारण होता है। अस्वास्थ्य Ex:  I have not known your indisposition आकल्य Ex:  state of languor, indisposition vague and dull शरीरवैकल्य Ex:  Who is affected indisposition
Other : रुग्ण Ex:  Twisting head indisposition in which it seems that everything revolves
Indisposition synonyms
malady illness ailment disinclination sickness unwillingness reluctance resentment discomfort malaise affliction disorder infirmity averseness
Indisposition antonyms
health relief healthiness good health pleasure comfort
Usage of Indisposition in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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