Inevitability meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inevitability
As noun : अनिवार्यता उ:   सूत्रों के रूप में तो बीजगणित की अनिवार्यता तुरन्त प्रकट हो जाती है।
Inevitability synonyms
confidence trust credence lock sureness surety positiveness steadiness shoo-in stock lockup belief validity firmness cinch faith conviction setup store sure thing definiteness dogmatism staunchness positivism all sewn up authoritativeness indubitableness open and shut case rain or shine sure bet surefire wrap-up prospect circumstance intention future objective design happenstance serendipity cup ordinance afterlife kismet lot conclusion horoscope expectation break finality doom condition fortune hereafter portion karma luck foreordination constellation predetermination moirai breaks wheel of fortune course of events divine decree the stars way the ball bounces way the cookie crumbles what is written world to come accident mortality casualty disaster dying deadliness virulence poisonousness necrosis destructiveness noxiousness lethalness requirement precondition prerequisite fundamental obligation essential urgency claim privation essence inexorableness demand want call imperative compulsion cause exaction duress exigency godsend must stress necessary pinch sine qua non desideratum indispensability vitals life or death needfulness no alternative no choice undeniability vital part fate god's will warning forewarning portents and evils imminent assuredness assurance inevitableness
Inevitability antonyms
distrust disbelief ambiguity doubt hesitation uncertainty concept idea theory questionableness whole continuity misfortune choice free will volition birth extra auxiliary trivia desire fear
Usage of Inevitability in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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