Inevitable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inevitable
As noun : अनिवार्य Ex:  dont argue with the inevitable उ:   नाट्यशालाओं पर अनिवार्य रूप से छत बनने लगी।
अवश्यकीय Ex:  With an attack appearing inevitable जरूरी Ex:  In these works he alludes to an inevitable move towards rationalization. उ:   यह बेहद जरूरी होता है। निष्परिहार्य Ex:  It is thus inevitable that all societies change. लाजिमा Ex:  inevitable Destiny हठायात Ex:  It is a necessity of dying, Death is inevitable निश्चित उ:   उसमें सबके बैठने के स्थान निश्चित थे।
As adjective : अपरिहार्य या अनिवार्य Ex:  What happened was inevitable but it was dissapointing nevertheless. अवश्यंभावी Ex:  Smith had to bow to the inevitable and concede a form of majority rule. उ:   मृत्यु को वे शरीर की अंतिम ओर अवश्यंभावी परिणति मानते थे। जो टल न सके Ex:  Recourse to scholarly commentaries is almost inevitable for a close reader. दुर्निवार्य्य Ex:  A Balkan war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia was considered inevitable लाजमी Ex:  DECIDE means Bring to a final conclusion, making inevitable
Other : अवश्यम्भावी Ex:  Opponents cite the inevitable stresses involved in this type of training आवश्यक Ex:  As an inevitable consequence उ:   प्राकृतिक ग्लूकोसाइडों का यह आवश्यक अवयव है। भवितव्य Ex:  Realists in the German army knew defeat was inevitable होनहार Ex:  It is an inevitable matter होनी Ex:  This inconvenience is inevitable उ:   यह "उच्च प्रदर्शन" के साथ लागु होनी चाहिए।
Inevitable ki paribhasha : jo kisi upaay se door na kiya ja sake jisake bina kaam na chale 1708 kaam na chale
Inevitable synonyms
inexorable necessary imminent unavoidable inescapable undeniable impending irresistible binding doomed pat assured compulsory decided destined determined fated fateful fixed in the bag ineluctable inflexible irrevocable obligatory ordained prescribed settled unalterable all locked up decreed for certain foreordained ineludible no ifs ands or buts unpreventable without recourse
Inevitable antonyms
later avoidable fortuitous uncertain unlikely unsure distant escapable doubtful preventable
Usage of Inevitable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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