Inexcusable meaning in hindi
As adjective : अक्षम्य Ex: The conduct that it was held yesterday is inexcusable उ: मृत्युदंशम हैरी पौटर उपन्यास श्रंखला का एक अक्षम्य श्राप है।
जो उचित न ठहराया जा सके Ex: The father is a weakness inexcusable
ExamplesInexcusable synonyms
reprehensible unforgivable outrageous untenable unjustifiable intolerable impermissible indefensible blamable blameworthy censurable unpardonable wrong criticizable inexpiable unallowable unpermissible unwarrantable Inexcusable antonyms
acceptable excusable forgivable justifiable good Usage of Inexcusable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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