Infallibility meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Infallibility
As noun : अभ्रान्ति Ex:  Eastern Orthodox belief differs mainly on the issues of papal infallibility
अमोघत्व Ex:  The church's infallibility निश्चय Ex:  The dogma of papal infallibility उ:   लंबे वायुमार्गो में इनका उपयोग करने का निश्चय था।
Infallibility ki paribhasha : aisi dhaarana jisamen koi sndeh na ho
Infallibility synonyms
safety faithfulness dependability supremacy faultlessness impeccability
Usage of Infallibility in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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