Infatuated meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Infatuated
As noun : प्रेमांध Ex:  It is infatuated with himself
As verb :
अभिलीन Ex:  He is so infatuated that he follows her everywhere. आसक्त Ex:  She is infatuated with John . उ:   आसक्त मूलतः संस्कृत का शब्द है। गृद्ध Ex:  John is infatuated with chocolate ice cream . जातकाम Ex:  By 1857, Wagner had become infatuated with Mathilde. प्रर्सित Ex:  Action to be infatuated or result this action प्रह्ल Ex:  disabuse someone a thing or a person for whom he had a very positive prevention, which he was infatuated फरेफ्ता Ex:  It is infatuated with nobility बदधराग Ex:  It is infatuated with nobility बदधस्नेह Ex:  It is quite infatuated this item बदधानुराग Ex:  It is suspected of being infatuated with heresy भोइ Ex:  It is very infatuated with this bad play and its author माइल Ex:  He is a man that easily infatuated उ:   २००२ में, उन्हें एमिनेम की पहली फीचर फिल्म, ८ माइल में अभिनय किया। मुंध मुग्ध उ:   वह वसन्तसेना के रूप पर मुग्ध है तथा बलात् उससे प्रेम करना चाहता है। मुब्तला व्यतिषक्त शौंडि संप्रवृत समासक्त सानुराग
Other : बादला Ex:  It is too infatuated with her thin talent मदोन्मत्त Ex:  You will find a new hobby infatuated विमुग्ध
Infatuated ki paribhasha : sone ya chaaandi ka chipata chamakila taar jo gote bunane ya kalaabattou batane ke kaam men aata hai vishvaas maananevaala
Infatuated synonyms
charmed smitten possessed enamored inflamed intoxicated spellbound bewitched fascinated besotted crazy about foolish silly seduced captivated beguiled enraptured carried away far gone on under a spell
Infatuated antonyms
disenchanted disinterested despising hating
Usage of Infatuated in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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