Infect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Infect
As noun : इनफेक्ट करना Ex:  Please don't infect me with your cold germs .
As verb :
उछेदना Ex:  As with the bacteriophages that infect bacteria गँदोलना Ex:  HIV can infect a variety of immune cells such as CD4+ T cells गंदा करना Ex:  HIV can infect dendritic cells by this CD4-CCR5 route छूत लगाना Ex:  A wide range of organisms infect wheat छूत लगाना[लगना Ex:  Pasteur discovered that he could not infect them छूत लग्ना Ex:  The stages that infect fish दूषित करना Ex:  By extension , Grasshoppers often infect Algeria प्रदूषित करना Ex:  If you are dating, it will infect you with its dangerous maxims, its dangerous maxims प्रभावित करना बात बिठा देना बिठा देना बीमारी की छूत लगाना संक्रमित करना संचार करना संत्रमित करना
Other : खराब करना Ex:  The mature virus is then able to infect another cell. संदूषित
Infect ki paribhasha : jisaki haalat aur bhi kharaab ho uthi ho marj
Infect synonyms
touch affect taint poison defile influence blight vitiate spoil corrupt disease spread among spread to
Infect antonyms
purify aid protect help
Usage of Infect in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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