Infection meaning in hindi
As noun : उडनी बीमारी Ex:  He has a venereal infection
उड़नी बीमारी Ex:  She has some infection in the uterus. खराब करने वाला Ex:  bacterial infection छूत Ex:  parasitic infection उ: यह छूत से नहीं फैलता। छूति Ex:  Antiseptic helps to prevent infection in a wound. छोत, छोति;पु Ex:  viral infection नैतीक पतन Ex:  He has an infection in his larynx. बीमारी की छूत Ex:  This is why HIV infection can at present, only be treated and not cured. बुरा असर Ex:  Lingering infection with high-risk HPV types विक्रति Ex:  Kampala has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in Uganda. संक्रमण स्वर परिवर्तन Ex:  Uganda had one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the world संक्रमण Ex:  By the second week of infection उ: संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए हाथ धोना मुख्य तरीका है। संक्रामक रोग Ex:  The symptoms and area of infection had relevance. स्पर्शदोष Ex:  The frequency of animal diseases are not as well-studied as human infection स्वर परिवर्तन Ex:  In advanced HIV infection
Infection ki paribhasha : raavan ke bhaayi ek raakshas ka naam jo khar ke saath pnchavati men shoorpanakha ki raksha ke liye niyukt kiya gaya tha aur jo shoorpanakha ki naak aur kaan kat jaane par pichhe raamachndr ke haath se maara gaya soory ka ek raashi se nikalakar doosari raashi men pravesh karana
ExamplesInfection synonyms
disease epidemic virus bug pollution impurity contagion poison corruption defilement flu germs communicability contagiousness insanitation septicity what's going around Infection antonyms
sanitation sterility Usage of Infection in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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