Infestation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Infestation
As noun : पर्याक्रमण Ex:  A spyware infestation can create significant unwanted CPU activity
Other :
ग्रसन Ex:  The journey is made difficult due to Antlion infestation along the coast बाधा उ:   यह विशेषता इसके उपचार में बहुत बड़ी बाधा उत्पन्न करता है।
Infestation ki paribhasha : raavan ke bhaayi ek raakshas ka naam jo khar ke saath pnchavati men shoorpanakha ki raksha ke liye niyukt kiya gaya tha aur jo shoorpanakha ki naak aur kaan kat jaane par pichhe raamachndr ke haath se maara gaya is prakaar chngul men phaaansana jisamen chhootane na paave aaghaat pahuanchaane ke liye kisi par jhapatana
Infestation synonyms
mildew decay scourge eyesore canker pest affliction curse pestilence dump withering evil bane sight contamination woe rot corruption pollution fungus blot on the landscape invasion contagion pandemic epidemic infection outbreak ravage rash influenza hydra
Infestation antonyms
goodness purification cleanliness boon health prosperity blessing advantage good luck good fortune
Usage of Infestation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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