Inflexibility meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inflexibility
As noun : अनम्यता Ex:  The absolute inflexibility exists in no body
उद् ध्वंस Ex:  The inflexibility of his character कठोरता Ex:  , The inflexibility of a judge उ:   खनिज की कठोरता की जांच के लिए मॉस्केल टेस्ट किया जाता है। कड़ापन करारापन कर्कशत्व काठिन क्रुरता खर्म थैरज नैर्घृण्य परुखाई रूढ़ता स्तैमित्य
Inflexibility synonyms
intransigence obstinacy relentlessness perseverance contumacy pigheadedness grimness inexorableness mulishness bullheadedness obduracy rigidness pertinacity doggedness intransigency rigidity inexorability inflexibleness implacability implacableness incompliance incompliancy obdurateness remorselessness indomitability adamancy die-hardism
Usage of Inflexibility in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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