Informal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Informal
As adjective : अनाधिकारिक Ex:  The borderline between formal and informal behavior is diffecult express. उ:   कलकत्ता ध्वज प्रथम भारतीय अनाधिकारिक ध्वज था।
अनुरुपिता Ex:  They are often used to varying degrees in informal spoken media अनौपचारिक Ex:  Combrig and Comdiv continue in informal use. उ:   दूर शिक्षा अनौपचारिक शिक्षा की आधुनिक प्रणाली हैं। अविधिवत Ex:  These kinds of informal transportation is either by conchos गैररस्मी Ex:   Petersburg's informal name दवाम Ex:  The informal settlements in this area are growing rapidly दाइम Ex:  Islanders have historically been informal both to each other and to visitors. दिनरैन Ex:  Malawi and others, representing a large portion of the informal sector. निशिवासर Ex:  Illegal immigrants are also heavily involved in informal trading. निसघोस Ex:  "Madrid dialect" for informal speech. बेसहनी Ex:  Generally speaking, and are informal and used with friends . रीतिविरुद्ध Ex:  Housewarming parties are generally informal विश्वथा Ex:  It thus had a more informal poetic diction. सदा Ex:  In the previous informal system उ:   किन्तु वे अपने भक्तों की सदा रक्षा करते हैं। सर्वकाल Ex:  There are more informal links with Kawasaki in Japan
Other : अरीतिक Ex:  These conditions and principles are merely informal conventions अविधिक Ex:  The institution had previously been in informal existence
Informal synonyms
unofficial relaxed spontaneous straightforward intimate breezy colloquial congenial cool democratic easy easygoing everyday extempore familiar folksy frank free homey inconspicuous loose mellow mixed motley natural open ordinary sporty unceremonious unconventional unrestrained urbane off-the-cuff unconstrained down home free-and-easy improv laid back low-pressure throwaway unfussy without ceremony
Informal antonyms
ceremonious official rigid dressed-up formal stiff buttoned-up
Usage of Informal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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