Ingeminate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ingeminate
As noun : दोहराना
Ingeminate ki paribhasha : kisi baat ko punaः karana ya kisi kaam ko punaः karana
Ingeminate synonyms
renew echo rehash ditto recapitulate reprise retell double-check come again go over again play back recheck resay rewarn say again recite imitate relate chime redo recur reform rehearse reciprocate return quote reconstruct revolve din revert reappear reproduce recrudesce rework drum into reoccur replay reissue rerun refashion recast remake hold over make like occur again play over read back reshow run over sing same old song
Ingeminate antonyms
take back destroy stop
Usage of Ingeminate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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