Inhabitant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inhabitant
As noun : निवासी Ex:  K.R.Narayanan is an inhabitant of Kerala. उ:   अनिल कर्नाटक प्रदेश के बंगलोर नगर के निवासी हैं।
Other :
बाशिंदा Ex:  He is a inhabitant of saxon. बाशिन्दा Ex:  An inhabitant of New South Wales is referred to as being New South Welsh. बासी Ex:  The first recorded permanent inhabitant of the Cayman Islands वासी Ex:  An inhabitant of Leeds is locally known as a Loiner उ:   ये ईश्वर को घट-घट वासी मानते हैं। सन्निवासी
Inhabitant ki paribhasha : basoola jisase badhai lakadi chhilate hain poshaak pahananevaala
Usage of Inhabitant in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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