Inhabited meaning in hindi
As verb : छप्परबंद Ex: North Carolina was originally inhabited by many different native peoples
बसा हुआ Ex: It is inhabited by many different ethnic groups. विनिविष्ट Ex: Among the tribes that inhabited what is now Louisiana included the Atakapa विनिवेशित Ex: In the 19th century it was inhabited by Germans.
As adjective : निवसित Ex: The Northeast region is inhabited by about 30% of Brazil's population.
Other : आबाद Ex: Rastafarians are inhabited at various regions in Jamaica. उ: ग्राम की मुख्य बस्ती जहाँ आबाद हुई वह वास्तव में भूमि का अधोतल थी। आबादी Ex: Though inhabited prior to the 16th century उ: शहर की आबादी में हिन्दू और मुस्लिम की प्रधानता है।
ExamplesInhabited synonyms
populous developed settled owned rented possessed populated peopled colonized tenanted pioneered lived in Usage of Inhabited in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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