Inherit meaning in hindi
As noun : आकाशमूली Ex: Daughters will inherit their parents' house.
जिहान Ex: The sons of an affected male will not inherit the trait from him तसीलना Ex: Children born of this marriage do not inherit the dignity and authority of their father पाना Ex: heiress female name, said he, specifically, a single girl who should inherit a large estate उ: नित्य कम से कम सुबह मल त्याग न कर पाना अस्वस्थता की निशानी है। लाधनापु Ex: Parent to the degree inherit
As verb : उत्तराधिकार में पाना Ex: Early Scottish monarchs did not inherit the Crown directly उत्तराधिकार में प्राप्त करना Ex: Mary's sister Anne would inherit the Crown. दाय पाना Ex: Children born of this marriage do not inherit the dignity and power of their father दाय में प्राप्त करना Ex: Heir Apparent , The next of kin, one called to inherit naturally or by direct line or collateral line मालिक या वारिस होना Ex: It also says in relation to the thing we inherit वंशानुक्रम से पाना Ex: This crown this sovereignty falls distaff, Girls can inherit the default male
Other : विरासत में पाना Ex: This is the rule that children inherit from their fathers
Inherit ki paribhasha : jise paane ka hak ho
ExamplesInherit synonyms
derive receive acquire obtain succeed accede get come in for take over be bequeathed be granted be left come into fall heir Inherit antonyms
forfeit fail lose Usage of Inherit in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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