Inhospitable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inhospitable
As adjective : अग्राह्य Ex:  Raju was inhospitable towards his friends.
अतिदुहसह Ex:  Due to Martinique’s inhospitable nature अशरण्य Ex:  The land is some of the most arid and inhospitable on the planet असत्कारशील Ex:  San Francisco was still a small settlement with inhospitable geography. असत्कारी Ex:  A people inhospitable असह्य Ex:  By extension, inhospitable Rivage असोढ Ex:  Earth inhospitable आतिथ्य विमुख कचाकु कर्कस दुझाल नागवार सत्कार द्वेषी सुदुःसह
Inhospitable ki paribhasha : vishvaas ke ayogy vah bhoomi jisamen kuchh utpann na ho sake
Inhospitable synonyms
unfavorable hostile brusque cold cool rude short uncongenial ungenerous unkind unsociable unreceptive unwelcoming
Inhospitable antonyms
friendly hospitable kind nice generous
Usage of Inhospitable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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