Iniquity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Iniquity
As noun : अंधाधुँध Ex:  A den of iniquity
अंधेरखाता Ex:  Children of iniquity अनट० Ex:  Children often wear the iniquity of their fathers अनियाउ Ex:  He lived in iniquity अनैतिकता Ex:  In terms of Sacred Scripture, Drinking iniquity like water उ:   आसमाजिकता व अनैतिकता के कई प्रकार है । अन्याइ Ex:  It is the height of iniquity अन्याउ Ex:  The iniquity of certain judgments अन्याय Ex:  The men, as children of Adam, bear the iniquity of their first father उ:   न्याय अन्याय का प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता। अन्याव Ex:  It revolting iniquity अयाथार्यिक असद्वृत्ति असाभ्य कापट्य कुन्याय कुसृति क्रुरता खरखुदं खरमस्ती खलपना गैरइनसाफी दस्तदराजी दुजनता दुररीत दुष्टता दौष्टय धीगम धूर्तरचना नाइंसाफी बेइसाफी बेदाद बेनिसाफ रुगदैया वाम्य विप्रतिसार शाठ्च
Iniquity ki paribhasha : vah karm jisaka phal is lok aur paralok men ashok ho
Iniquity synonyms
heinousness infamy immorality abomination baseness crime wrong misdeed injustice wrongdoing unfairness offense wickedness evildoing unrighteousness sinfulness miscreancy
Iniquity antonyms
goodness morality virtue good deed right kindness
Usage of Iniquity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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