Initial meaning in hindi
As noun : आद्याक्षर Ex: Gliders gain their initial thrust from some launch mechanism उ: अधिकतर विद्यालय प्रवेश के समय स्वतः ही आद्याक्षर जोड़ लेते हैं।
आद्याक्षरित करना Ex: In the initial period of 1987-1989 पहला Ex: Two initial counts went to Bush उ: यहाँ विश्व का सबसे पहला सफ़ेद शेर मोहन पाया गया। पहिलो Ex: Blackheath withdrew from the FA, just over a month after the initial meeting. पेहला Ex: After the ship's trials and initial training in the Chesapeake Bay उ: २००३ में उन्हें पेहला ब्लेक फिशर प्रैज़ प्राप्त हुआ। प्रथमक Ex: Following this initial system प्रथमाक्षर Ex: After initial successes such as the Oslo accords of the early-1990s प्राग्रसर Ex: About two hours after the initial shootings प्रारंभिक Ex: The initial Wehrmacht plan called for two initial movements. उ: प्रारंभिक भूगोल सिर्फ स्थानों का वर्णन करता था। प्रारम्भिक Ex: Beyond these initial prosecutions उ: अभी ये उद्योग प्रारम्भिक अवस्था मे है। फर्स्ट Ex: Despite initial difficulties in capturing its well-defended cities उ: फर्स्ट कैनेडियन प्लेस एक गगनचुम्बी इमारत है। मुखचालि Ex: During its initial months
As verb : नाम का पहला अक्षर लिखना Ex: The initial publication of the article attracted little attention
As adjective : आदिम Ex: The architect delineated about the plan.
The secretary delineated the initial plans of the project. उ: मराठी के आदिम साहित्य का आविर्भाव बारहवीं शती में हुआ था। आदि― Ex: This was followed yet again by an initial good performance in the Tests नाम का पहला अक्षर लिख कर हस्ताक्षर करना Ex: An Enigma machine's initial state नाम या शब्द का पहला अक्षर Ex: After initial discussions between Oracle Corporation and Olivetti पहला अक्षर{नाम या शब्द का} Ex: When the initial allegations against the Commission emerged प्रथमाक्षरित करना Ex: Since that initial listing
The secretary delineated the initial plans of the project. उ: मराठी के आदिम साहित्य का आविर्भाव बारहवीं शती में हुआ था। आदि― Ex: This was followed yet again by an initial good performance in the Tests नाम का पहला अक्षर लिख कर हस्ताक्षर करना Ex: An Enigma machine's initial state नाम या शब्द का पहला अक्षर Ex: After initial discussions between Oracle Corporation and Olivetti पहला अक्षर{नाम या शब्द का} Ex: When the initial allegations against the Commission emerged प्रथमाक्षरित करना Ex: Since that initial listing
Other : आदि Ex: Children should have good foundation in schools in the initial stages. उ: आदि परेशानियां होने लगती हैं। आद्य Ex: These occurred too soon to be remnants of the initial tsunamis उ: इनके आद्य अक्षरों को परस्पर मिलाने पर ‘ओम्’/‘ओं’ बन जाता है। आद्याक्षरित Ex: Despite initial insights in the first half of the century आरंभिक Ex: Sensitivity to initial conditions is popularly known as the "butterfly effect" उ: उनके जीवन का आरंभिक भाग बुंदेलखण्ड में बीता। आरम्भिक Ex: Canada, have developed techniques with a high initial success rate . उ: उनकी आरम्भिक शिक्षा होसूर में हुई।
Initial ki paribhasha : jo pahali baar hua ho jo kram ke vichaar se aadi men ho
ExamplesInitial synonyms
introductory original basic antecedent opening leading inaugural pioneer infant initiative fundamental virgin first earliest early elementary embryonic foremost inchoate incipient inceptive initiatory commencing germinal headmost nascent Initial antonyms
following last subordinate unimportant closing final Usage of Initial in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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