Initiator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Initiator
As noun : आरंभकर्ता Ex:  It was my initiator for geometry, algebra to
दीक्षागुरु Ex:  Pyrrho is considered the initiator of the skeptical philosophy प्रक्रंता Ex:  A engineering initiator प्रारम्भक
Other : आचार्य Ex:  He is the initiator of Information Technology project.. उ:   वही आचार्य और वही प्राचार्य हैं। आरंभक Ex:  adjectively, An initiator engineering
Initiator synonyms
trespasser assailant invader intruder instigator raider provoker designer producer author architect maker generator sire brain deity prime mover begetter framer administrator builder dean elder leader matriarch motor organizer patriarch patron promoter sponsor supporter encourager introducer promulgator publisher precursor harbinger prognostic announcer advocate envoy pioneer progenitor prototype ancestor forebearer advertiser foregoer benefactor planner inventor beginner constructor establisher institutor spring wellspring mastermind innovator discoverer opener pacesetter stylist trailblazer
Initiator antonyms
destroyer destructor result opponent adherent follower successor
Usage of Initiator in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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