Innocuous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Innocuous
As noun : अगर्व Ex:  These treatments include innocuous waxing and more controversial procedures
सीधा सादा सौँहट
As adjective : अनयकारी Ex:  In the state of things, do not just innocuous अनुपघातक Ex:  , innocuous means Remedy Middle inefficient अहानिकर हानि न करने वाला हानिरहित उ:   शैशव और पूर्व किशोरावस्था में यह हानिरहित होती है।
Innocuous synonyms
bland banal inoffensive insipid flat innocent jejune kind safe weak unobjectionable painless innoxious inobnoxious sapless unoffending
Innocuous antonyms
delicious tasty yummy damaging harmful hurtful injurious bad destructive
Usage of Innocuous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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