Innumerable meaning in hindi
As adjective : अगणन Ex: There are innumerable books in the library.
अगणित Ex: Like many famous artists, Poe's works have spawned innumerable imitators. उ: कन्दर्प अगणित अमित छवि नवनीलनीरदसुन्दरम्। अगण्य Ex: Abraham will be blessed with innumerable progeny. अगन Ex: Hinduism had become divided into innumerable sects अपरिम Ex: An innumerable multitude of men अमित Ex: In large numbers, in quantity it is assumed innumerable उ: 'शिवकुमार इस भक्त को देहू अमित वैराग्य। असंख्य Ex: In terms of Astronomy, Milky Way, Great trace of white, diffused light that crosses almost the entire celestial sphere, roughly from north to south, and view the telescope resolves into an innumerable multitude of distinct star उ: इसमें असंख्य ग्रंथ आते हैं। असंख्यक Ex: In terms of Astronomy, Milky Way, Great trace of white, diffused light that crosses almost the entire celestial sphere, roughly from north to south, and which, seen through the telescope resolves into an innumerable multitude of distinct star उ: इसी प्रकार असंख्यक तथ्य ऐसे हैं। बेप्रमाण स्फिर
Other : असंख्येय Ex: It is, in ordinary language, of indefinite and innumerable Quantity कोटिक Ex: Multitude, innumerable army बेशुमार उ: यह जिला पर्यटन और प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य की दृष्टि से बेशुमार हैं । संख्यातीत उ: संख्यातीत होने के कारण उसे "अद्वैत" कहा जाता है।
ExamplesInnumerable synonyms
myriad numerous untold countless frequent incalculable multitudinous numberless uncountable alive with beyond number unnumbered Innumerable antonyms
calculable measurable few computable finite known numbered limited little small countable definite numerable Usage of Innumerable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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