Inscrutable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inscrutable
As noun : रहस्यमय Ex:  The counsels of God are inscrutable उ:   यह रचना अत्यंत रहस्यमय और अति विचित्र होती है।
As adjective :
अलक्ष्य Ex:  The emphasis is rather on God's inscrutable sovereignty गूढ Ex:  Judgment of God, Purpose, decree justice, providence, of God's mercy Secrets judgments, the inscrutable judgments of God उ:   ऐसे गूढ एवं असीम विषयो को उजागर करना ही हमारा लक्ष्य है। जो कि ढूंढा न जा सके Ex:  The advice, the designs of God are inscrutable
Inscrutable synonyms
enigmatic impenetrable unintelligible incomprehensible unfathomable ambiguous arcane cabalistic deadpan difficult inexplicable mystic secret unaccountable unreadable unexplainable mysterial poker-faced sphinxlike undiscoverable unknowable
Inscrutable antonyms
comprehensible intelligible fathomable evident obvious clear understandable plain
Usage of Inscrutable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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