Insecure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Insecure
As noun : आशंकित Ex:  South Sudan and Ethiopia – is very insecure area. उ:   इससे इंग्लैंड आशंकित हो उठा।
As adjective :
असुरक्षित Ex:  Tom feels insecure when his parents are not around. उ:   इससे उन्हें असुरक्षित अनुभव हुआ और उन्होंने इसका जमकर विरोध किया। क्रच्चा Ex:  DES is now considered to be insecure for many applications. बेआड Ex:  This is a very insecure mechanism बेआड़ Ex:  As such Tunisians are noticeably insecure when discussing political matters. संदिग्घ
Other : अरक्षित Ex:  the hinge is insecure
Insecure synonyms
afraid unsure hesitant touchy shaky apprehensive anxious uptight troubled diffident jumpy questioning up in the air vague delphic choked hanging by thread on thin ice touch and go unassured unconfident unpoised unstable wobbly frail unreliable immature vulnerable unsafe defenseless exposed hazardous insubstantial loose perilous rickety rocky unguarded unprotected unsound unsteady vacillating wavering weak fluctuant open to attack rootless unshielded
Insecure antonyms
composed unafraid unwavering peaceful collected confident guarded protected cool happy certain definite sure calm at ease quiet unworried secure safe sound stable firm steady strong unshaky
Usage of Insecure in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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