Insignificant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Insignificant
As noun : मामूली Ex:  He also said, by extension, those whose role is insignificant उ:   [१ ९] [२०] "ब्लू क्वार्ट्ज" एक मामूली रत्न है।
As adjective :
अगुरु Ex:  Electrical light is insignificant against sunlight. कुढ़्यार Ex:  Once regarded as a small and relatively insignificant star नगण्य Ex:  An insignificant aspect उ:   इस निर्यात से होने वाले लाभ में मूल निवासियों का हिस्सा नगण्य था।
Other : अल्प Ex:  The office had become rather insignificant उ:   इसका दो अल्प अवधि परीक्षण पहले ही हो चुका है। ऐसा Ex:  It was insignificant and unnecessary, and cost more than it came to. उ:   ऐसा दिसम्बर से फरवरी के बीच होता है। चुटकी Ex:  , considered statistically insignificant with an alpha level of . छोटा Ex:  Action, insignificant process उ:   चैम्पियंस ट्रॉफ़ी को छोटा विश्वकप भी कहा जाता है। तुच्छ Ex:  An insignificant apostille ना Ex:  Bagatelle, insignificant thing उ:   इस तरह यहाँ की कोई खास शैली ना होकर एक अद्भुत मिश्रण हो गया है। निरर्थक Ex:  By extension, it also says an insignificant conversation and extends too बापुरा Ex:  By extension, it is a woman quite insignificant लघु Ex:  insignificant About उ:   मध्यम एवं लघु उद्योग भी अत्यल्प संख्या में है।
Insignificant ki paribhasha : jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho laghu ya hrasv varn hasta, ashvini aurn pushy ye tinon nakshatr jo jyotish men chhote maane gae hai aur jinaka gan laghugan kaha gaya hai
Insignificant synonyms
paltry pointless minuscule senseless inconsequential meaningless unimportant infinitesimal negligible minor irrelevant meager trivial minimal casual immaterial lesser light lightweight little minute nondescript nonessential nugatory petty scanty secondary small trifling unsubstantial inappreciable inconsiderable not worth mentioning purportless
Insignificant antonyms
meaningful sensible huge useful valuable worthwhile relevant large consequential important significant substantial big major
Usage of Insignificant in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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