Insipid meaning in hindi
As adjective : अरअ Ex: It was insipid food over there.
पनुवाँ फीकरिया फीका उ: स्वाद में यह फीका होता है। बेस्वाद उ: यह एक बेस्वाद और गंध रहित सफेद पाउडर के रूप मे उपलब्ध होता है। रुचिहीन विजिह्म
Other : अलोना Ex: A bland and insipid tale ठंडा Ex: A flat and insipid conversations उ: यह बहुत ही ठंडा स्थान है। निर्जीव Ex: insipid sauce, stew, by mixing something too soft उ: कभी-कभी कुछ पलों के लिए पैर बिल्कुल निर्जीव से लगने लगते हैं। निस्तेज Ex: It is an age when these become insipid entertainment नीरस Ex: The insipid praises बद बिरस बेमजा विरस विस्वाद सीठा स्वादहीन
Insipid ki paribhasha : jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho vah haathi jisaki chhaati or madhy bhaag ki bali dhili ho, pet labaa, chamad motaa, galaa, kokh aur punchh ki chanvari moti ho tatha jisaki drashti sinh ke samaan ho 3301 niras
ExamplesInsipid synonyms
innocuous vapid trite bland banal anemic arid beige blah colorless commonplace dead drab dry feeble flat inane jejune lifeless limp mild mundane nothing ordinary plain pointless prosaic slight soft spiritless stale stupid subdued tame tedious tenuous tired unimaginative watery weak wearisome wishy-washy nebbish weariful ho-hum characterless driveling prosy unappetizing distasteful flavorless unpalatable unsavory watered-down savorless Insipid antonyms
exciting exhilarating interesting pleasing appetizing delicious tasty yummy sharp original Usage of Insipid in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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