Insolence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Insolence
As noun : अक्खड़पन Ex:  The teacher left the classroom at the insolence of the students. उ:   इनके स्वभाव में सरलता और अक्खड़पन का अद्भुत मेल था।
अतिप्रसंग Ex:  Mercutio is incensed by Tybalt's insolence अविनित भाव Ex:  From the looks full of insolence घृष्णत्व Ex:  he came to the point of insolence that जबानदराजी Ex:  His insolence will be punished ढिठपन Ex:  It also said the Words and actions where there insolence ढोठिपन Ex:  It is an insolence that can not forgive धार्ष्ट Ex:  It is an insolence that I can not endure धृष्टता Ex:  It was paid for his insolence धृष्णता Ex:  Looking someone in the nose, the face up closely with allocation and insolence शोखी Ex:  Push the insolence to do such a thing हमसरी Ex:  The insolence of a valet
Other : गुस्ताखी Ex:  Haute insolence धृष्ठता Ex:  It was, he said a thousand insolence
Insolence ki paribhasha : gurujanon ke samaksh vyavahaar ki anuchit svachchhndata
Usage of Insolence in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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