Inspect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inspect
As verb :
अनुदर्शन करना Ex:  Please inspect your fathers will carefully जाँचना Ex:  He was sent in a F-104 to inspect Delamar Lake, again for emergency landings. जॉचना तारनी निरीक्षण करना परिछना बिलोचना
Other : जांच करना Ex:  If you inspect Maxwell's equations without sources then you will find that जांचना Ex:  Having the right look, the right to inspect any case, be qualified for भालना
Inspect ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana gunadish sthir karane ke liye achchhi tarah dekhana bhaalana kisi vishay ki satyata ya vasatvata athava yogyata ya ayogyata ka nirnay karana
Inspect synonyms
audit search scan oversee review probe watch investigate check out scrutinize observe survey supervise go through case eye clock inquire study question notice interrogate superintend scout catechize canvass go over scope vet give the once-over kick the tires look over
Inspect antonyms
ignore reply neglect overlook answer forget
Usage of Inspect in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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