Inspiration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inspiration
As noun : अंत-प्रेरणा Ex:  Children get inspiration by reading good books.
अंतःस्फुरण Ex:  Looking for inspiration अंतप्रेरण Ex:  Beethoven became his inspiration अन्त प्ररेणा Ex:  Wagner had two independent sources of inspiration for Tristan und Isolde. अन्त-स्फूर्ति Ex:  Wagner's second source of inspiration was the poet-writer Mathilde Wesendonck आकस्मिकोद्भव Ex:  Other various studios from which inspiration was drawn include Studio 4 °C ईश्वर की प्रेरणा Ex:  Patrick Grün of Caliban's inspiration to play drums came from Lombardo उत्प्रेरणा Ex:  De Coubertin also took inspiration from the games held by Evangelos Zappas. दिल में आना या पडना Ex:  Whatever the inspiration दिल में आना या पड़ना Ex:  Johnny Carson was an inspiration for Regis Philbin निश्‍वसन Ex:  Thunderbolt serves as the inspiration for Ozymandias प्रवर्तना Ex:  Taking inspiration from videogames such as Syndicate and Deus Ex प्रेरणा Ex:  Their principal inspiration comes from Francisco Canton उ:   उनकी प्रेरणा भूमि राष्ट्रीय भावना ही थी। प्रेष Ex:  Superman has also featured as an inspiration for musicians शानदार विचार Ex:  It has been argued that he was a major inspiration for James Madison's writings संचोदना Ex:  Queen composed music that drew inspiration from many different genres of music संप्रहर्षण Ex:  Gobineau is frequently cited as a major inspiration for Parsifal. सांस लेना या खींचना Ex:  "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration"
Other : इलहाम Ex:  Bellow drew inspiration from Chicago सांस Ex:  In music, Tintin has been the inspiration to a number of bands and musicians. उ:   इसी अस्पताल में उन्होने अन्तिम सांस ली थी।
Inspiration ki paribhasha : kisi ko kisi kaary men lagaane ki kriya
Inspiration synonyms
motivation revelation insight influence encouragement genius incentive enthusiasm vision whim brainchild hunch fancy motive awakening illumination flash creativity stimulation approach brainstorm elevation exaltation muse rumble animus impulse spark spur thought notion afflatus arousal deep think inflatus
Inspiration antonyms
reality hindrance discouragement truth depression
Usage of Inspiration in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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