Instance meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुरोध Ex: This includes for instance a view of human nature उ: अनुरोध हैंडलिंग इस पृष्ठ पर वापस नहीं लौटती है।
अवकास Ex: For instance in Thailand अवसर Ex: They report an instance of hostility initiated by the Inuit against the Norse उ: इस अवसर पर दावत भी दी जाती है। अवस्था Ex: Singers are then classified by voice type - for instance उ: पहली अवस्था में गैस कोई कार्य नहीं करती। आऊषा Ex: This instance of the invention is credited to John Shepherd-Barron आग्रह Ex: In this instance authorities said that the whale could not have been saved उ: यह निश्चय ही मलकानी जी के आग्रह का फल था। आरलौ Ex: For example, in Java, a string literal is defined as an instance of the java. इल्तमास Ex: Women may also require testing if a male child develops LNS. In this instance इहतियाज Ex: "the first instance recorded in history of a monastic life". उत्क Ex: In one instance press kits for a project were made available उदाहरण Ex: Offshore wind farms have met some resistance, for instance in Germany. उ: यहाँ "अमरिका" और "अमेरिका" का उदाहरण प्रस्तुत है। उपदेशता Ex: For instance the Ridge and Valley उपमाति Ex: Another is the use of instance dungeons. उफताद Ex: Certain specialized courts of first instance are staffed with elected judges. ऐकध्य Ex: All are instance of groupoids घटना Ex: The Lebanese court system consists of three levels: courts of first instance उ: यह घटना तैयारियों के रूप में जाना जाता है। घाएँ Ex: For instance the German word order is: We're going tomorrow to town. तपम्विता Ex: For instance a typical rock band will consist of a drummer तमसील Ex: Frege applied "Bedeutung" in the first instance to proper names दृष्टान्त देना Ex: For instance Albinoni's ''Adagio'' नाथित Ex: In one particular instance निखूटनापु Ex: For instance the City of South Perth is part of the urban area known as Perth निर्बेध Ex: One instance is in Nintendo's video game पनोती Ex: For instance is a polynomial because it can be worked out to . प्रवर्तना Ex: A famous instance was Chief Justice Earl Warren प्रेरणा Ex: One notable instance of nonacquiescence came in 1832 उ: वही मंदिर इस मंदिर की प्रेरणा है। प्रेष Ex: Here, at the instance of a far-seeing forest officer, A . बरिया Ex: at the instance of such, on demand, at the request of such a बीचु् Ex: Court of First Instance, Court of first instance which knows all disputes in civil matters, from a certain sum मोसर ‡ Ex: Follow an instance मौका Ex: For lack of diligence, the instance perishes after three years उ: शोधकर्ता को सन् १९१५ सितम्बर में साक्षात्कार का मौका मिला। वएस Ex: Forming an instance वकूआ Ex: In terms of procedure, a new development, Done that has not yet been produced in a previous instance वस्थां Ex: instance Resume वाकया Ex: instance Shelf वानप्रस्थ्य Ex: It knows first instance वार Ex: It said, in terms of Jurisprudence, about an instance we failed to continue for some time उ: चीन ने हॉङ्ग कॉङ्ग को ब्लैक वार जीतने के बाद लिया था। वारदात Ex: Make an instance emptying उ: बन्दूकधारी को वारदात की जगह ही दबोच लिया गया। विनिर्बंध Ex: Make instance to someone विहाँणी Ex: There instance between such and such वुकूअ Ex: This trial is pending in such a court, this is such a court which is seized there for that instance संचोदना Ex: Celui, celle qui postule un emploi, qui demande avec instance une place, une grâce, une faveur à quelque personne puissante संप्रहर्षण Ex: SOLLICITER signifie aussi Demander fortement, avec instance संवृत्ति सबूत उ: लेकिन उसके पास कोई सबूत नहीं है। समक्षदर्शन समर्थना समवस्था समापत्ति समुन्नय समुपस्था, समुपस्थान समै, समैया, समो सहीसबूत सिद्धसाध्य ह्वाल
Instance ki paribhasha : agyaat vastuon ya vyaapaaron aadi ka dharm aadi batalaato hue samajhaane ke liye samaan dharmavaali kisi aisi vastu ya vyaapaar ka kathan jo sabako vidit ho koi baaj jo ho jaay vinayapoorvak kisi baat ke liye hat kisi ko kisi kaary men lagaane ki kriya vedaant darshan ke anusaar manushy ki chaar avasthaaean- jaagrata, svapna, sushupti aur turiy nyaay men vaaky ke paaanch avayavon men se tisara jisak saath saadhy ka saadharma्y ya vaidharma्y hota hai
ExamplesInstance synonyms
occurrence detail precedent item reason particular occasion example proof exponent specimen illustration sample representative time ground case history case in point sampling exemplification exemplify show quote adduce mention refer cite specify illustrate Instance antonyms
hide Usage of Instance in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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