Instill meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Instill
As verb :
अविरत प्रयास से सिखाना Ex:  Gertrude Hartley tried to instill in her daughter an appreciation of literature दवाई टपकाना मन में बिठा देना
Other : टपकाना Ex:  Action to instill शिक्षा देना
Instill synonyms
inspire engender disseminate inculcate inject impart diffuse imbue program impregnate suffuse insert interject indoctrinate inseminate impress brainwash insinuate intermix propagandize catechize infuse inoculate infix transfuse infiltrate engraft force in put in head
Instill antonyms
dislodge uproot take out neglect leave alone halt stop
Usage of Instill in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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