Instruct meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Instruct
As noun : आदेश देना Ex:  Little is known about the young man John Maxwell hired to instruct his son
As verb :
अनुदान देना Ex:  Amy will instruct you in the way to hang paper . आज्ञा करना Ex:  It is also why flight attendants instruct passengers उपदेश देना Ex:  Link awakens to find 3 Fairies, who instruct him to draw the Four Sword. उपप्रदर्शन Ex:  The program might then instruct the computer to: In this manner कहअना Ex:  Ground Control will instruct these vehicles on which taxiways to use निबोध Ex:  He took care to instruct निर्देशन करना Ex:  I instruct his family driving it holds निर्देशित करना Ex:  It also means instruct a bird using the serinette परोटी Ex:  It means even lesson, precept, especially of moral action , which gives to instruct प्रबोधना Ex:  particular institution where we take children on board of one sex or the other to instruct प्रमोघना Ex:  to be under the hand of the authority under the hand of justice, says a person who is arrested, which we will instruct or whose trial प्रशिक्षित करना Ex:  Which of the two genres is intended to instruct बझावना Ex:  , Prior to emancipate the people, we must instruct बताना विद्यादान शिक्षा देना संकारना संकेत करना समझाना समुझाना सिखवना सिखाना सूचित करना हिदायत उ:   एडवायजरी जारी कर रुसी लोगो को तुर्की ना जाने की हिदायत दी थी।
Instruct ki paribhasha : phati puraani bagadi jo niche rahati hai aur jisake oopar achchhi pagadi baaandhi jaati hai koi baat achchhi tarah kisi ke man men baithaana
Instruct synonyms
discipline disclose educate brief guide tutor train notify advise tell engineer reveal counsel coach lead acquaint level apprise update pilot drill school brainwash lecture ground steer enlighten break in drum into break it to clue in give lessons keep posted wise up warn direct assign charge define prescribe bid enjoin
Instruct antonyms
conceal hide deceive mislead learn neglect ask
Usage of Instruct in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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