Instruction meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Instruction
As noun : अगिआँ Ex:  teacher give instruction to students
अग्गियां Ex:  algorithm is being used to give instruction to computers and robots. अग्याँ Ex:  Docile pupils eager for instruction अध्ययन Ex:  There are three kinds of cache misses: instruction read miss उ:   इन प्रयोगों का भी अध्ययन इस ज्यामिति का अंग है। अध्येंन Ex:  A cache read miss from an instruction cache generally causes the most delay अनुदेश Ex:  In the instruction fetch stage of a pipeline उ:   किसी भी सरकार समर्थित स्कूल में कोई धार्मिक अनुदेश नहीं दिया जाता है। अनुदेशअ Ex:  Advanced phonics instruction includes studying words according to their origin अनुदेशन Ex:  Local languages are used as the languages of instruction in elementary schools उ:   शिक्षा जगत में उन्होंने अनुदेशन विधि को जन्म दिया। अनुबोध Ex:  The language of instruction is English. अनुयोयी Ex:  Abstracting the instruction set अपकौशली Ex:  Schools mainly use English or Bengali as the medium of instruction अभ्यनुज्ञा Ex:  12 science laboratories and special shops for instruction in ceramics अम्र Ex:  They are the national schools which use Malay as the medium of instruction अववाद Ex:  Darwin focused on his studies and received private instruction from Henslow. आज्ञा Ex:  The medium of instruction in all IITs is English. उ:   आप आज्ञा करें मैं किस देवता को बुलाऊँ। आज्ञाप्य Ex:  French is also used in instruction in the educational system. आदेश Ex:  Universities all use English as the medium of instruction उ:   परन्तु ऋषि अपने आदेश पर अडिग रहे। आर्ज्ञप्त Ex:  For example, the instruction document. इजाजत Ex:  Mandarin is the primary language of instruction in schools उ:   उसने शहर में यहूदियों को फिर से बसने की इजाजत दी। इर्शाद Ex:  When there is an instruction fetch, the fetch is translated across the split. इलाम Ex:  Many mathematics texts for K-12 instruction were developed ईमा Ex:  Its bright red instruction card said उपसत्ति Ex:  In New Zealand, stills and instruction in their use are sold openly. एजुकेशन Ex:  The language of instruction in publicly financed schools is Swedish उ:   एजुकेशन सेंटर के सभी कार्यक्रम पूरी तरह से निःशुल्क हैं। क्रियासंक्रांति Ex:  After an instruction is fetched खबरदिहंदा Ex:  After the execution of the instruction and writeback of the resulting data चेतावनी Ex:  Since only one instruction is executed at a time उ:   ध्वज को जब्त कर लिया गया और उन पर मुकदमा चलाने की चेतावनी दी गई। जाँन Ex:  This is the simplest form of a technique known as instruction pipelining जानकारी Ex:  By attempting to predict which branch a conditional instruction will take उ:   उनके बारे में थोड़ी जानकारी देने जा रहे हैैं। डाइरेक्टर Ex:  It is the language of instruction and official acts. उ:   इसके पहले मॅनेजिंग डाइरेक्टर वाज़ रेने लेफेवर थे। डिसीप्लिन Ex:  The boy had three years' instruction in the harpsichord from Prinetti of Novara दानिस्त Ex:  Buckley came late to formal instruction in the English language निदेश Ex:  Tchaikovsky likely had some form of instruction in composing Swan Lake निपठ, निपठन Ex:  I received an instruction to ask you निर्देश Ex:  Living Latin instruction is provided in states like the Vatican उ:   ऐसा शास्त्रों का निर्देश है। निर्देशअ Ex:  Before release it was edited at the instruction of Jack Warner निर्देशन Ex:  Under the instruction of Michael Maestlin उ:   इसका निर्देशन वी॰ सी॰ देसाई ने किया था। प्रणोद Ex:  Before the restoration of the University , thus called a house of public instruction प्रशिष्टि Ex:  Brothers of the Christian Doctrine, members of some congregations founded to give popular instruction प्रशिस् Ex:  Courses, normal instruction फर्मा Ex:  elementary school, school where we begin instruction उ:   इसके लिए साँचा, फर्मा और पैटर्न प्रयुक्त होते हैं। फहमाइस Ex:  Having the instruction मैनडेट Ex:  He is a man of great instruction, an unusual instruction रजी Ex:  However, in the plural, the word is often used to refer again This or that diet instruction and education रुसख Ex:  I had a memory for the instruction of my rapporteur वयुन Ex:  I notice a big improvement in intelligence, in the instruction of this child वर्द्धन, वर्धन Ex:  instruction वाकिफकारी Ex:  instruction वाक्फियत Ex:  instruction विद्यानुपालन Ex:  It has a similar meaning in some other institutions of public or private instruction विद्याव्यसन Ex:  It says as a result of sermons, catechisms and conferences that the diocesan missionaries are in a place for the instruction of Christians विनयन Ex:  L instruction of youth विनयप्रमाथी Ex:  Make graduation, Go through the different levels of instruction to train the mind of youth वुकूफ Ex:  Method of instruction and education व्युल्पादन Ex:  Nullities instruction शब्दी Ex:  Order instruction that is given to a sentinel, a star, the chief of a position on what should be the subject its monitoring and on what to do or prevent, etc शास्त्रि Ex:  Religious instruction शिक्षण Ex:  She also told of an event, a misfortune that can serve as an instruction to someone and warn him to beware उ:   यह भारत का एक प्रमुख संगीत शिक्षण संस्थान हैं। शिक्षा Ex:  Spread the benefit of the instruction उ:   उनकी शिक्षा मुख्यतः स्वाध्याय से ही हुई। सामान्यविधि Ex:  Summary, a collection of indications, brief instruction सिखापन Ex:  Take notice, advice or instruction from someone सीक्रेट Ex:  The childish instruction सीछन Ex:  The instruction of the Youth सूचना Ex:  Whoever invented the printing press has made great progress in peoples instruction उ:   यह सूचना उन्होने अधिकारियों को भी बता दी। हिदायत Ex:  Whoever is responsible for the instruction and education of a child, a young man उ:   ‎और जो कोई इसे छोड़ कर किसी और बात को अपनी हिदायत का ‎ज़रिया बनाएगा। हुकम Ex:  Working at the instruction of a trial हुकम्म Ex:  It bed by hobby, not for instruction
Other : इरशाद Ex:  Amharic was the language of primary school instruction कमान Ex:  The first step, fetch, involves retrieving an instruction from program memory. उ:   राष्ट्रपति के पास भारतीय सशस्त्र सेना की भी सर्वोच्च कमान होती है।
Instruction ki paribhasha : kisi vidya ki sikhane ya sikhaane ka kriya shiksha praapt karana sikhane ka kaam kisi vastu ki halki ho gai sugndh ko punaः tivr karana vah baat jo kisi ko hoshiyaar karane ke liye kahi jaay jyotish shaastr men grahon ka phal vah baat jo kisi ko bataane, jataane ya saavadhaan karane ke liye kahi jaay braahmaanon ke shatkarmo men se ek karm badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana kisi padaarth ko batalaana ya dikhaana
Instruction synonyms
discipline information direction guidance training schooling preparation teaching lesson tuition enlightenment tutelage edification coaching drilling grounding apprenticeship chalk talk directive advice plan mandate order ruling briefing injunction
Instruction antonyms
question answer
Usage of Instruction in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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